The problem with sitting behind a desk all day is that it just isn’t natural. Despite having a brain big enough to warrant such a...
Bravo!!!! Dr. Hunter Adams (alias Patch) has been acclaimed internationally for his work on Humour Therapy. Yes seriously. For indeed,...
Are you re-active or pro-active with the difficulties in your life?
Life is a matter of ups and downs, but what is important is how we deal with these situations. How easy it is, when there is a difficult...
Body Beautiful Drugs
When we speak of steroids typically we think of athletes trying to make it to the top, aka the Chinese swim team. But sadly the fastest...
Shyness - the pain we all live with!
The basic cause of shyness is hard to pin-point. Everybody is shy to a degree, often therapists refer to a Personal Shyness Barrier -...
Coping with stress
It is impossible to avoid stress in your life, in fact a certain amount of stress is required to survive. However, when stress threatens...