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Stop Doing These Things If You Want to Improve Your Life

Mental Wellness Centre

Changing the way we do things can have a profound effect on our ability to meet goals and manifest the things we truly want. When it comes to letting go of behaviors or lifestyle choices that don’t serve you, it’s important to think about the benefits you’ll see and focus on those rather than on giving something up. Not only will this help you stay motivated, it will allow you to practice positive thinking, which can be beneficial in all aspects of life.

Think about which areas of your life you’d like to see an improvement in and create some attainable goals; for instance, you might change careers, or give up an unhealthy habit. Remember to seek help from those who can assist you along the way, such as a personal coach. Turn to Shane Warren if you need a mentor or counselor to guide you on your self-improvement path. You can also take a hard look at your environment to make sure it’s working for you.

Don’t let chores pile up

Stress, exhaustion, and a busy schedule are just three things that can contribute to a lack of awareness of our surroundings. If you’ve been too tired lately to do more than the bare minimum when it comes to household chores, stop and take a look at your home with fresh eyes. Is there clutter on every surface? Are the rooms dark and full of furniture? Start a cleanup that includes moving things around, opening windows, and creating more open space. Not only will cleaning improve your physical health, it will do wonders for your mental wellbeing, especially if you and your family members have been feeling negative or down lately. Creating a rotating chore list will help you stay on top of household cleaning tasks through the week so you’re not overwhelmed on any particular day.

Stop putting yourself last

With a house to take care of, a job to work, and family obligations to consider, it can be difficult for many people to stop putting their needs last. Taking care of your mind and body is essential, however, even if it’s only for a few minutes a day. Instead of putting everyone else’s needs first, stop and think about your wellbeing. Have you been continuously putting off lunch in order to focus on a work task? Sit down for ten minutes and eat a healthy meal or snack and drink some water. You might be surprised at how much better you feel.

Don’t limit your options

When it comes to work, you might find that you’re sticking with a job you don’t necessarily love just because you’re limiting yourself. These days, there are so many ways to build a career that no one is limited to a handful of options. You might start your own business doing something you love, or go back to school to earn a degree on your own time and look for a higher-paying job.

Stop making excuses

Whether you’ve been wanting to search for a new job or stop practicing a bad habit, it will be much harder to reach your goals if you make excuses as reasons not to change. While it’s true that there are often roadblocks that get in the way, there will always be a reason not to do something: not enough time, not enough money, not enough energy. Create your goals with these excuses in mind and give yourself realistic ways to meet them so you can stay motivated.

For many people, finding ways to change up lifestyles and habits can be life-changing. It can be frustrating as well, however, especially if you don’t set out with realistic goals and a solid plan for making them happen. Talk to a professional coach who can help you along the way.

Contributed by Dorothy Watson

Photo via Pexels


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