When is the best age to marry?

Today I was asked by some of the team at 6PR Perth this very question – it came from some research done by a team of statisticians, sociologist and other researchers…
This team found that the ideal age was between 28 and 32!
Why? This is the interesting stuff, what is happening at these ages that mean if we hitch-up with ‘the one’ at that time in our lives we are more likely to sustain a life-long happy commitment!?!?
I would suggest much of this has to do with some strong learning’s we made in our late teens and early 20’s. This is the time when we get to play the fairytale of kissing lots of frogs before we end up kissing our prince (or pri
ncess). Playing the field a little in our youth is not only fun, but also beneficial to help us learn a lot about ourselves, what’s important to us; and what we are willing to give up for others.
We are also by the age of 32 still not so old and set in our ways that it is hard to give up for those we love some things we value strongly.
Now don’t stress if you are over 32 and still not hitched – no one is saying you will not find that special somebody; probably what we are saying is just be sure to make the effort to be flexible as no matter how much you want them to be perfect they still will have floors…
Good luck with the search and good luck making it all work!!!