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The Wellness Choir

The science is in - singing is good for you!

  • 25 Australian dollars
  • Hello Darlings @ The Stonewall Hotel 175 Oxford St Darlinghurst NSW 2010

Service Description

The "Wellness Choir" beckons you to embark on a transformative journey through music and voice. Unleash the power of your lungs as each melodious note becomes an exercise in respiratory vitality. Discover the sheer joy residing in your voice, an instrument of self-expression and well-being. But it’s not just about melodies, find harmony in community, where voices intertwine to form a chorus of shared joy. The Wellness Choir transcends the musical realm, offering solace to your brain, a sanctuary of peace amid life's crescendos. Join us in this fun and engaging process. It's more than a choir; it's a symphony of wellness where breath, joy, community, and tranquillity converge, creating a unique space where every note resonates with the rhythm of holistic health. NOTE: Due to our location under licensing laws this is an 18+ event.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you do not attend scheduled meetings or cancel less then 12-hours in advance you may be subject to the full fee of the booking. Let's talk to work out what happened and how we can best assist you moving forward.

Contact Details

+ 61282132442

Shane Warren Coaching & Counselling Services, Hargrave Street, Darlinghurst NSW, Australia

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